Sunday. The word and the day itself used to mean something different to me than it does now. It still means something, but when I was growing up, Sunday was a day to see my friends at the church I attended. I looked forward to seeing them and engaging in some sort of activity. When I was very young, I would often spend the day at a friend's house or have 1-2 friends over to my house in the woods. We’d do kid stuff and then return to church in the evening with our parents for the evening service. During the evening service, our youth group would get in some good games of Ultimate Frisbee, among other physically active games like volleyball, dodgeball, and basketball. Ultimate Frisbee and volleyball were our usual go-tos. Sunday afternoons were usually quiet, with parents napping or close to it. It's been years since I’ve felt my eyelids grow heavy while on a couch or in a recliner, with the TV lulling me to sleep. I don't have a TV in my apartment now, and I don't plan on getting one.

I haven't slept in an actual bed in over a year. When it’s time to sleep, I put a thick sleeping bag on my floor with some additional blankets for padding. I sleep on top of it using a blanket and pillow. If it wasn’t comfortable, I wouldn’t do it. It gives me more space for dancing and mucking about. I never intended to stay in this studio apartment for as long as I have. My goal is to get an apartment with a balcony and a nice view of the nearby mountains. I've procrastinated and made some horrible mistakes over the past year. The number 11 is significant to the underworld. Each represents a pillar, like an obelisk. These two pillars symbolize, for some, their pagan gods—“Bobo and Jackass,” the gods of cheap shoes and jackasses.

My grandfather passed away the week I moved into this apartment, and a few weeks later, a friend of mine was murdered in Florida. To make things more difficult, his death was passed off as a suicide. It’s blatantly obvious that my friend didn’t kill himself. In the months leading up to his death, I warned him more than once that I believed he was in danger. I told him in very plain English, and I know he understood me. I made sure to communicate that I did NOT believe he was in immediate danger, but in danger nonetheless. Something didn’t add up with the situation he was in down in Orlando, and I knew he was still using.

The person who found him had their name on the police report. I looked up this person’s information. He did live in the same town as Jake, but he didn’t live anywhere near where Jake was found, and Jake was found at around 10:30 pm. I want to find out what this person was doing at the time that caused him to happen upon my friend in a field miles from his home after dark. I might call him out of the blue this year and ask. It was obvious when I spoke with some mutual friends and others close to the situation that they knew the truth. The people Jake was staying with, at whose place he was found, didn’t even blink, from what I could tell. The homeowner was posting some extremely distasteful things on her Facebook page the day after his death. If you saw the screenshots of what she was posting, you wouldn’t believe it. The person whose house he was at when he died was a phlebotomist working at a private upscale blood distributor for the elites in Jacksonville, FL. Maybe if I get more than 0 readers and 0 views, I’ll speak more on this subject and post those screenshots. For now, all you need to ask yourself is, “If this person is right, do I want to know?”

They styled his death in the same manner they’ve fashioned others: death by electrical cord, hanging/suicide. From the time they found the body around 11:00 pm to the time they called it done at that house was less than an hour. There were no intervening questions, no doubt in their minds that Jake had killed himself. They kept saying that he was on crystal meth, which, knowing Jake, was probably true. But Jake being on crystal meth doesn’t justify or excuse his death. They want me to believe he hung himself from a tree in the side yard of the house he was staying at in Florida. I’m not going to get into the particulars of hanging a person until death or a person hanging themselves. I could go on about the scratches around the neck from people dangling and not dying immediately or the pounds needed to snap a person’s neck. To be clear, I’ve never murdered anyone, nor have I been privy to a murder. But I retain information like a vault sometimes, and watching weird stuff on the internet and TV has always been something I was into. I believe the electrical cord is symbolic—perhaps a calling card of a particular branch of the SS. It’s definitely meant to send a message to anyone in the SS.

If you’re curious about what I mean by the “SS,” I am, of course, referring to something historical, something that was a sad atrocity in our world. The SS is a Nazi Germany term from World War II, and as we all know, the “SS” stands for “Sneaky Sneaks.” Because they’re always sneaking around! :)

You can always tell if you're dealing with an SS member if you simply observe them for a short period of time. One thing they ALL do is raise one hand to either their chest or their neck, and they do this at key moments. The most reliable is when they enter a building or a business that has other people in it. Also, I’ve noticed they all do it when crossing the street or walking into a nightclub. It’s to let other SS members know, “Hello, here I am.” They have sign language-type tactics for almost everything. They definitely have hand signals they put up if they're looking to have sex with a stranger, etc. The end goal is for the victim to have a heart attack, stroke, or conniption fit right there in front of them. If the situation is right, they surround the victim, pretending as though they’re going to help. They surround the victim, but no help is given. What happens instead is they extract something out of you as your life is ending.

If you go out to eat at a decent restaurant (like $100 a plate) and sit watching the main entrance as people come in, you will see it done over and over and over. It’s a way for the SS to communicate amongst themselves covertly but not covertly enough. The entering of a building is tied in with mind control, and what they call it is "making a grand entrance," which is important for them to do because the majority of them are textbook narcissists. It’s very possible and very likely that many are dating someone in the SS or are married to someone in the SS, yet they have no clue whatsoever. They won't know at all their whole lives until just before they pass on. Right before they die, they will be told, with malice and jeering hate, that their spouse, who they loved and were with most of their lives, was, in fact, the reason they are about to die of cancer. They may even be shown video of their spouse putting a chemical in the coffee every morning or something to that effect. This is just before they get thrown into a slaughterhouse for humans where they are then tortured to death, harvested, and eaten. In the end, the husband takes off the skin of the person he murdered long ago. He goes back down underneath the ground into the water.

Group-stalking SS members are everywhere, and they are typically the ones who cause disharmony amongst us. They are the ones who will sit and talk with a store clerk forever, knowing there's a huge line behind them. They will take forever in their purse or wallet pretending to be unable to find a credit card or correct change. They usually do this because they know someone in line is close to snapping, close to losing their cool. Worst-case scenario, there is no reaction from the line behind the old SS member. Best-case scenario, someone has a heart attack right there, and they get to drain them as they're passing away.

There are some rock-solid ways to figure out if you're dealing with someone in the SS. First is the cell phone group stalking-themed actions, which can be observed at any Walmart in America on a Sunday evening. What they do is walk around videotaping someone (who’s not in the SS) with an iPhone with an out-of-date/not updated operating system installed. The best is to observe them in such a way that they either can't see you, or they know you can see them. You will find them lurking around Walmarts, covertly and not so covertly videotaping targeted individuals as they innocently shop for groceries, unaware that they are surrounded by P________S and the like.

If you're dating someone in the SS, they ARE a narcissist, and they ARE cheating on you (or whatever the word is for that). There's also a very good chance they're into CH***REN and into their own sex for sexual encounters, among other things. If you believe you are with an SS member, you should stop eating any food/drink they prepare for you immediately. The best thing to do is to slowly, calmly, and confidently prepare to leave that person. It takes a while to sink in, and we're dealing with a great amount of co-dependency.

If you go out to eat at a decent restaurant (like $100 a plate) and sit watching the main entrance as people come in, you will see it done over and over and over. It's a way for the SS to communicate with each other covertly but not covertly enough. The entering of a building is tied in with mind control, and what they call it is "making a grand entrance," which is important for them to do because the majority of them are textbook narcissists.

It's very possible and very likely that many are dating someone in the SS or are married to someone in the SS, yet they have no clue whatsoever. They won't know at all their whole lives until just before they pass on. Right before they die, they will be told, with malice and jeering hate, that their spouse, who they loved and were with most of their lives, was, in fact, the reason they are about to die of cancer. They may even be shown video of their spouse putting a chemical in the coffee every morning or something to that effect. This is just before they get thrown into a slaughterhouse for humans where they are then tortured to death, harvested, and eaten. In the end, the husband takes off the skin of the person he murdered long ago. He goes back down underneath the ground into the water.

There's a reason we witness so much gaslighting and stalking in America. I'm one of the ones who figured it out. It’s not at all what you would guess. If anyone goes to their local Walmart on a Sunday evening and looks closely at the shoppers, you’ll see the store mostly filled with SS members. Parents with their children are what we're meant to see. Many of these people are roaming around with children who aren't their own. It’s not as far-fetched as you may think. Anyways, Sunday evenings at Walmarts seem to be "family" night because virtually everyone brings their kids there for seemingly nefarious purposes, and children try to S__P with other parents as if they were in possession of baseball cards.



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