The Test for the SS


These writings contain satire and parody. They depict entirely fictional situations that are products of the writer's imagination. These writings are not intended to describe actual events, persons, or entities, nor to suggest any association with or sponsorship by any entity. All characters and events in these writings, even those based on real people, are entirely fictional. All names, addresses, and facts have been made up as part of a fictional story, and everything in these writings is ONLY for entertainment purposes. There are adult themes and naughty language in these writings, and as a result, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT NOBODY READ THESE WRITINGS.

Just start a blog, I said to myself. It will be easy. It is easy for me to type and tell stories or write letters, and the blog is easy for me to maintain while writing my book. I was not expecting WordPress blog and to shadowban me. In WordPress's case, they've altered the way my account works somehow.

I've had major problems with Blogger and the WordPress blogging site. I DO NOT LIKE how with WordPress they want you to pay a fair amount of money to add on things they should be providing. If you bought what they suggested, they'd likely try to convince you to spend $100 a month on nonsense.

I don't know why, but for some reason, when I attempt to post my blog on WordPress, it somehow takes the post I'm publishing for the first time and copies it into or over all my previous posts. Now it just shows a "test001" listed like five times over and over on my homepage. In addition to that, I have been writing in their help forum, but the best I’ve gotten is silence.

What I wanted to do was work on my book while blogging, working on Ableton Live, and other fun stuff like growing mushrooms and weed. Straight up, I have been taking too much time off. It became all too easy after “The Test” was done to my Uber passengers.

I had this theory that all my passengers, and I do mean every single one, were in the SS. While driving for Uber, I began witnessing the actions of my passengers and how they were almost robot-like in the way they asked me the same questions over and over again. The other thing they would do, and still do, is tell me to take an incorrect turn while I’m driving. For example, if I’m taking a right turn at a four-way stop, as I begin to take the right turn, they will yell from the back seat, “Turn left, turn left,” while pointing their phone cameras at me. I would go all day with about 20-25 PAX (Passenger X), and every single one of them said the exact same thing when exiting my vehicle. I will concede there are only so many things one can say when leaving an Uber car, so there's a mathematical chance it could have been a coincidence. The thing is, they don't say “Drive safe,” which makes sense to say when considering proper English. They all say the same thing the Uber telephone operators say, which is “Stay safe.” It’s simply another mind control trick they play to try and annoy drivers. I am concerned about how many foreign drivers come here from some African country, don’t know anyone, and are driving in America, being gang-stalked. I'm curious how many of them have heart attacks or strokes as they're driving.

Let me get back to “The Test”... so I noticed some patterns with my passengers. 100% of them had brand new iPhones. 100% did, and still do, the exact same hand signals at the exact same times while I’m driving them around. They usually do them at key intersections, but they ALWAYS do the hand signals when exiting their neighborhood/apartment complex. It’s usually the hand on the neck (which you can Google and find), but they also do the hand on the chest. Sometimes, if there are people who can see us, they will put their hand on their chin—the Freemasonic sign of disapproval. They let others know “we don’t like this person” by using hand signals. The three main ones are the open palm on the chest, the hand on the neck (women do the hand on the neck or play with a necklace, which I think is the same thing as the open palm on the chest). You can go out to any restaurant in America on a Friday or Saturday evening, and you will see them as they enter the building, trying desperately to be noticed as they make their lame entrance. What is the signal for “they know about the hand signals”?

So I had well over 90% saying the same thing after every ride. Over 95% of my PAX owned iPhones. They were mostly in three fields of work: tech, medical, or military. Every single one, with the occasional housewife or bartender, etc. They have to have bartenders all over every city because it’s the bartenders who are like magicians, flipping the glasses around everywhere. It gives enough time for a loved one or a RA (___) enough time to slip something in your drink.

Anyway, I don’t know if I mentioned this or not, but I actually started taking notes, meaning I would check a box for military, medical, or tech. I did this for about five days, asking every PAX the exact same questions. I was checking to see if they had an iPhone—that was first—then it was tech, military, or health, and I actually started throwing out the profession I thought they fit most, and I started getting it right. This was not enough for me. Just because you know something is true does not mean you can prove it.

One must keep in mind I was only trying to prove this to myself. So I would know. I was starting to get depressed, and I was starting to suspect my passengers were engaging in topics they believed would be upsetting to me. They were trying to trigger me, or so I thought. It was pissing me off.

I have found something to be true over the last few years. When confronted with images of reptilian/frog-built structures I found in Flagler Beach, people who have prior knowledge of them act very, very funny when I show them the images. As a matter of fact, their behavior is so predictable and hilarious on this subject because they literally don’t know what to say. So check this out: it’s a total catch-22 for them. They can’t possibly do or say anything to suggest they know what they are. But at the same time, they’re inherently mortified at the idea of their cousin’s vacation home being the subject of focus.

So I placed a piece of paper in the netting behind the front passenger’s seat. I would ask each passenger if they would like to participate in a social experiment, then I would direct them toward the piece of paper. On the paper, the only thing written was “Use Google Earth,” followed by a number of GPS coordinates to some of the alien-like structures. Every single one of my passengers, and I mean every single one, refused to do anything. They refused to pull up the coordinates; they didn’t want to see what I had found or talk about it. Most of them became quite upset, actually. It sucked... It does suck.

It’s every single Fing passenger, one right after another. Every single one of them is in the SS. I’ve only been interacting with SS members for years now, it would seem. When doing petitions, they would follow me to where I was working and start employing group stalking tactics. It’s the same thing over and over again: pointing their phone cameras at me, asking me stupid as fuck questions to try and make me uncomfortable. These people are absolute pieces of garbage.

Now I’m depressed, and everything has been taken from me. I cannot drive to make money. My father, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, stopped helping me. I’ve been applying for job after job, but considering all these fuckers are on the same network, I can count on my next job just being another adventure in group stalking at the workplace. Lord help me.


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