
Completely Shadow Banned

 I'm completely FUCT on the internet/digital tip. It seems whatever it is I'm meant to do, the full outcome won't be seen until long after I am gone.  I'm fine with that.  I just want to talk to my children.  I cry every day for them.

Coveted & Cursed Chapter 3 or 5

    The day was bright and shiny, free from the sticky, humid air I was accustomed to. The mood in the car was relaxed, as light as a feather floating. As I recall, it was Abba, Imma, and myself. My brother may have been there too, but if he was, I don’t recall seeing him in this memory. It was a very long time ago. It's one of my first memories; I was 2-3 years old at the time. Perhaps I didn’t know where we were going. It’s possible I was told multiple times, and even though I understood what was said, I didn’t fully comprehend, which is what I recall. I knew something of importance was being discussed days earlier, but I soon stopped paying attention as I didn’t understand most of the words being used. In the back of my mind, I seem to remember something like people talking about a particular topic as commonplace, yet I had no idea what they were talking about. It’s possible I had just woken up from a nap or had been asleep and was woken up by my Imma or Abba, which would accou

Coveted & Cursed - Chapter 1

      “Miss Roach is a witch! And she eats roaches!” A 3ft tall girl screamed as she ran towards us from across the play ground. I already knew Mrs. Roach ate roaches. Everyone knew she ate roaches! I did feel nervous at the mention of a witch being amongst us if that was the situation we were in. It was early morning in Gainesville FL & a fog that had wet the ground lurking about the houses and tree’s was disappearing , evaporating through the tall tree tops of pine and oak heading towards the blue sky.   The emergency warning-welcome we received wasn’t the greeting we were accustomed to at Stepping Stones; simultaneously we started sizing up the small statured source. We were Sufficiently suspicious to say the least. The young 3 foot tall woman who was talking to us, me mostly, was in her early 4’s. What she yelled at us could be the result of a number of things I thought. “This could be a result of her going through something personal such as a ‘midlife crisis’

dream your dreams

    Tonight as you dream your dreams please know you amazing and worth something  much more than gold or diamond rings more precious than any queen or king. Tonight’s the night you’ll dream on wings seeing beautiful lovely things That dance and fly along while they sing. Do not worry about what tomorrow may bring Your eyes will close and then you’ll dream of queens with rings and shiny things that bling and sing a song that you like to sing Tonight you’re happy while you dream Tonight my dears you will dream epic dreams that mean something Kings searching for golden rings scared of what tomorrow may bring. This is the evening to dream your dreams. We can talk tomorrow about what they mean the kings and rings with wings and things.. Just remember that you are worth something Breathe sure and deep while you dream know you are beautiful and worth something remember what you hear, don’t forget what you see In the morning it will teach you some thin

The Holiest of Holies - King Solomon's temple

****These writings contain satire and parody. They depict entirely fictional situations that are products of the writer's imagination. These writings are not intended to describe actual events, persons, or entities, nor to suggest any association with or sponsorship by any entity. All characters and events in these writings, even those based on real people, are entirely fictional. All names, addresses, and facts have been made up as part of a fictional story, and everything in these writings is ONLY for entertainment purposes. There are adult themes and naughty language in these writings, and as a result, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT NOBODY READ ANY FURTHER OR IS IT FARTHER...ALL CAPS YOU GET THE POINT, MUUUAHAAHAHAHHAHAH**** ****These writings contain satire and parody. They depict entirely fictional situations that are products of the writer's imagination. These writings are not intended to describe actual events, persons, or entities, nor to suggest any association with or sp

The Test for the SS

  These writings contain satire and parody. They depict entirely fictional situations that are products of the writer's imagination. These writings are not intended to describe actual events, persons, or entities, nor to suggest any association with or sponsorship by any entity. All characters and events in these writings, even those based on real people, are entirely fictional. All names, addresses, and facts have been made up as part of a fictional story, and everything in these writings is ONLY for entertainment purposes. There are adult themes and naughty language in these writings, and as a result, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT NOBODY READ THESE WRITINGS. Just start a blog, I said to myself. It will be easy. It is easy for me to type and tell stories or write letters, and the blog is easy for me to maintain while writing my book. I was not expecting WordPress blog and to shadowban me. In WordPress's case, they've altered the way my account works somehow. I've
         Sunday. The word and the day itself used to mean something different to me than it does now. It still means something, but when I was growing up, Sunday was a day to see my friends at the church I attended. I looked forward to seeing them and engaging in some sort of activity. When I was very young, I would often spend the day at a friend's house or have 1-2 friends over to my house in the woods. We’d do kid stuff and then return to church in the evening with our parents for the evening service. During the evening service, our youth group would get in some good games of Ultimate Frisbee, among other physically active games like volleyball, dodgeball, and basketball. Ultimate Frisbee and volleyball were our usual go-tos. Sunday afternoons were usually quiet, with parents napping or close to it. It's been years since I’ve felt my eyelids grow heavy while on a couch or in a recliner, with the TV lulling me to sleep. I don't have a TV in my apartment now,